Tuesday, May 24, 2011


noun \ˈdi-sə-plən\ : training that corrects, molds, or perfects the mental faculties or moral character.

Unfortunately, discipline is something I have lacked for a long time. People reading this might be shocked, but if you know me well, it doesn't come as a surprise.

I have, for most of my life, relied on sheer ability and talent to get me through. While it's convenient to have the ability to cram the night before a test and it be sufficient, it's unfulfilling and ultimately cheats my true ability. Since when did sufficient become good enough? And when did good enough become what I expect?

I have the tendency to rationalize things in my mind and verbally to others. Actually, most of us do. Rarely do we face the parts of ourselves we don't like, because it then becomes real. I don't want to think about all of the classes I could have made an A+ in but wasn't willing to put forth the effort. I don't want to think of the days I decided the gym just wasn't going to work out. I don't want to think of the books I never finished, the ones I never started, and all of the things I've broken because I didn't take care of them.

I think it's safe to say my lack of discipline in certain areas hasn't completely ruined my grades, obligations, or overall success. But,therein lies our problem. We use our successes to justify our lack of results in those same areas. We use distorted yard sticks to measure how successful we are. I may not have ruined anything... but what COULD I have done had I actively practiced discipline? Sure, I have a good GPA, receive awards, and do community service... But am I doing enough? If it's enough for me, is that necessarily fair to other people?

It's the simple things in life: the oversleeping on days you "have nothing to do", all the times you don't fold your laundry after you take it out of the dryer, and the days you forget to call your mom and dad because you're "busy". Don't get me wrong... I'm not saying doing all of the previously mentioned are life or death. But, let's look at the worst case scenario.
In the case of your "free days", what COULD you be doing to work toward goals, make someone else's day better, or simplify your own? Could you be doing something that you value or enjoy? One could argue sleeping in is something you value. One could scrunch their nose at me for calling out oversleeping in that sometimes it's needed. I wholeheartedly agree. However, that's your decision on how honest to be with yourself. If it's once a week, great. If it's everyday... then maybe you should evaluate it.
In the case of your unfolded laundry: if you do it now, you won't have to do it later. Plain and simple. I understand there are more important things, but since I have been repeatedly guilty of this I know the classic mindset. "I'll do it later." "I'll just sit down for a minute and then get up and do it." "It can wait." "Well, it's been a week... might as well wait until the next load and fold them all." Why not take 15 minutes and just do it now? The longer you wait, the more stressful it becomes.
In the case of not calling a loved one: Are you really too busy to spend 5 minutes doing it? We tell ourselves they will be there tomorrow so it can wait until then... but what if that wasn't the case? Do it now. Make it a priority. Let the ones you love know you love them.

There are many things in my life I'm coming to grips with. I have more passion and desire than I can express, but are my actions telling others that's the case? Are they telling me it's not, and I just don't want to face it?

We are guilty of a lack of discipline in some part of our lives. I'm not suggesting that lacking in one area says you are not a disciplined person. I'm merely suggesting you take a look at your life, as hard as it may be, just like I have. Imagine what could be, and pursue it. There are areas in my life I feel I have ample amounts of discipline... But now, it's time to look at the other areas.

I can promise you I want National FFA Office more than anyone. It's something I've dreamed about since I was a freshman in high school. But am I doing everything I can to make that dream a reality? If my answer is no, I'm not only letting myself down... I'm letting everyone who supports my endeavors down as well.

If my answer is yes, then all of the hard work just might pay off, and I just might see myself running across a stage in October.

Do we owe it to others to put our best self forward? Yes.
Do we owe it to ourselves to do it? Most definitely.

1 comment:

  1. Caroline, I don't know where to begin. You speak so eloquently, it's truly beautiful! I think everyone can benefit from what you are saying here, as a matter of fact, I really can. I have been scooting along this entire school year doing the bare minimum. I need to get myself in gear.

    I hope and pray I can be there in October to watch you run up that stage!
